Friday, April 3, 2009

Classroom Incubators
Duck Incubators | Quail Incubators | Reptile Egg Incubators

This chicken was probably hatched in an incubator. ;)
What is an Egg Incubator?

An egg incubator is any device or enclosure that can keep the eggs of birds or reptiles at a constant, high heat.

What do we need an Egg Incubator for?

A egg incubator is used for simulating the warmth produced by normal maternal care. In most cases, a female bird will 'nest' on the eggs, keeping them at a constant high temperature. For those attempting to raise their own birds or reptiles, at home, in a lab, or in a classroom, an egg incubator is crucial. You can learn Homemade Incubators by yourself with my guide.
What an egg incubator is, is basically a large ventilated box that maintains the heat and humidity levels necessary for healthy embryo development. Birds usually turn their eggs periodically, to prevent the yolks from sticking to the side of the shell. More sophisticated incubators will do this also, but with more basic ones, you will have to do it by hand.

What animals can egg incubators be used for?

An egg incubator can be used to incubate the eggs of most birds and poultry, as well as reptile eggs. Especially common is their use for chicken eggs and quail eggs, although they can be used for more diverse animals like parrots and lizards.

What egg incubator should I buy?

If you're looking for a solid quality product, I would suggest the Hova Bator Thermal Air Flow Incubator. You can't beat Hova-Bator for the good name and product reliability!

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